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Home Color Kits!

It looks like we may need to be closed for awhile. We understand that going a few months without coloring your hair could be difficult. While we can’t offer haircuts, we’ve found a way to get you through this! We can’t sell you our professional color but we’ve partnered with dpHUE to offer at home kits. Don’t buy your color from the drugstore! Use high quality color. It will make our jobs easier when you come back. You can order from us on this site and it ships directly to you! If you need help choosing a color, don’t hesitate to email us at and just ask! We have your formula on file if you get your hair colored with us; and if you’re not a current customer, just send us a pic and we can help you choose the right color. These kits are for gray root touch up ONLY and if you get your hair colored blonde, don’t even think about trying to color it. Sorry. You can browse HERE and we will see you guys soon!


We believe that if we refrain from one on one contact, we can slow the spread of this virus. Many people can be asymptomaic, and still spread to others. During this entire crisis we have worked very hard for our public health and not once have we considered making a house call. Let’s put the lives of ourselves, neighbors and loved ones at the top of our priorities right now. If we work together, and we all do our parts, we can reopen sooner. We want to be open. We need you to help us get there by waiting for your hairdresser. We created a PSA social media campaign to address this issue. Let’s put the health and lives of our fellow human beings at the top of our priorities in this moment. Lets set vanity aside and work together towards a common goal of defeating this COVID-19 pandemic. We encourage you to take the recommendations of Governor Beshear, the CDC, the WHO and our federal government very seriously. If we made a house call, there is still no way to maintain a distance of 6 feet between us. Not only that, it is illegal and we could lose our license to practice cosmetology for doing so. We also strongly encourage you to report any business not following these guidelines here  1 (833) 597-2337.

Hair Painting

We were honored to have such an amazing group of young and enthusiastic hair stylist in the shop for our first class at Wolf and Ryan. It was based around Balayage or the easy way to say it "Hair Painting". This was just a start for us, we will be having many more classes to come. You can stay up to date through any of our social medias or by checking the education link on our website. Sometimes you learn the most by teaching so we hope to spread our knowledge of a combined 30 years in the industry and sharpen our own scissors in the process. 
